(puls... the Latin word for Pulses, and ED for Education)

PulsED (Pulse-Education) is the resource for pulse crop grower education materials.  The grower education project is a partnership between the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council and the Risk Management Agency. PulsED was developed to provide grower education on the best practices to grow dry peas, lentils, and chickpeas in order to reduce risk.

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The following webinars are currently available:

  • Risk Management Tools

    Crop Insurance/Risk Management Agency Products: Conventional and organic growers will learn the different risk management products available through the Risk Management Agency, how to apply, available resources and expected results.
  • Understanding Pulse Markets

    Market Overview Module: Learn how to market your crop, from current and emerging markets, both international and domestic, and the promising ingredient market. Organic markets will be discussed, but not in depth.
  • Pulse Crop Harvest Concerns

    Harvest Concerns: Conventional and organic growers will learn harvest and handling concerns, storage considerations, and best management practices for record keeping to minimize and evaluate risk.
  • Root and Foliar Diseases in Pulse Crops

    Pest Management Module #1: Root and Foliar Diseases – Growers will learn about disease identification, control, and management specific to pulse crops in the region. Identification segment is applicable to organic growers as well. Control for organic producers will be discussed, but not in depth.
  • Insect Damage and Viral Diseases in Pulse Crops

    Pest Management Module #2: Viral Diseases and Insect Management – Growers will learn pest identification, disease identification, control and management specific to pulse crops in the region.
  • Planting Considerations & Weed Control

    Planting Considerations and Weed Control: Conventional and organic growers will learn about ground prep; nutrients & inoculations, seed selection (including winter pulses & emerging crops), treatments and other planting considerations. Pesticide credit application pending. Live webinar originated as part of the Western Pulse Growers Association annual grower meeting.

The PulsED Grower Education program is sponsored by the USDA RMA through the Risk Management Education Program in partnership with the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council. 

(puls... the Latin word for Pulses, and ED for Education)

PulsED is a partnership between the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council and the Spokane Regional Office of the USDA Risk Management Agency.