Crop Insurance/Risk Management Agency Products: Conventional and organic growers will learn the different risk management products available through the Risk Management Agency, how to apply, available resources and expected results.



Risk management documents from the Risk Management Agency:

Following are links to the 2016 dry pea projected and harvest price memos that are available by year on the RMA website under Product Management Bulletins: http://www.rma.usda.gov/bulletins/pm/2016/

2016 Crop Year Dry Pea and Dry Bean Revenue Endorsement Harvest and Projected Price Bulletins:

To download fact sheets, visit the Spokane Risk Management Page: http://www.rma.usda.gov/aboutrma/fields/wa_rso/
Select your state and the most updated versions will be available in the future.

(puls... the Latin word for Pulses, and ED for Education)

PulsED is a partnership between the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council and the Spokane Regional Office of the USDA Risk Management Agency.