Tips for School Nutrition Pros

Tips for School
Nutrition Pros
Pulses Credit in the National School Lunch Program

Grades K-12: minimum of 1/2 cup beans/peas weekly
Chickpeas, beans, lentils and split peas may be added to smoothies and credit towards the vegetable

1/2 cup of beans, chickpeas, lentils, dry peas = 2 oz. meat/meat alternate
1/4 cup of beans, chickpeas, lentils, dry peas = 1 oz. meat/meat alternate
Pulse Pasta Product Crediting

Pasta made with 100% vegetable flour, such as chickpea flour or red lentil flour, may credit towards the vegetable category
1/2 cup cooked pasta (made with 100% vegetable flours) = 1/2 cup vegetables (beans/peas subgroup)

Pasta made with pulse flours will credit towards the meat/meat alternate subgroup when served with an additional meat/meat alternate
Pulses at Breakfast
Pulses even credit at breakfast! Pulses may credit in the fruit category.
Updates to the School Breakfast Program Guidelines now allow vegetables, like chickpeas, beans, dry peas and lentils, to credit towards the fruit requirement at breakfast.
School food authorities (SFAs) may substitute 1 ounce equivalent of the meat/meat alternates component (including legumes) for 1 ounce equivalent of the grains component, after offering the minimum daily 1 ounce equivalent of grains.